Tag Archives: belonging

A Broken Stringed man

This article, well it is the sequel to the article-“a man with no strings attached”, and if you are reading this article I would recommend you reading the previous article, otherwise you will miss the crisp of it. The link is :A man with No strings attached


 This is something that I feel time and time again! An amazing quote!!

 I have being changing my homes and cities ever since i was born, I don’t have the constant group of friends, rather I have a variable group of friends. I’m losing out on the feeling of belongingness. To be honest with you, I never did talk about how I’m constantly leaving behind a group of good friends as I’m changing cities. This ritual of leaving behind people has always annoyed it. Wherever I feel like I have this sense of belonging to a place, it is unfortunately the time to change  cities. This is how I’m losing my set of people. When I meet my old pals, they seem have moved on from me, I feel like I have missed a lot of things in between. I feel that I lost a good friendships in these lost years. In the previous piece, I might have talked about how people like me nomads have this ability to adapt to new surrounding, but we too have a regret and sometimes we feel insecure that we might not belong anywhere. We might remain as nomads, always forgotten and lost. This feeling is the thing that I regret the most.


                   This is one powerful quote, from an equally powerful and hard-hitting movie!

By now, you must have figured out why this article is titled broken stringed man. This man is like a puppet, who is controlled by different masters at each time, but in the process this puppet loses on originality, it loses on the attributes that makes him unique. Life of nomad may seem to be an interesting lifestyle for a person who doesn’t move much, you get to meet a lot of people, have a lot of friends, the drawback is that you lose stability of a friendship. This makes me reassure to the fact that we always crave for things that we don’t possess, and we aren’t happy with what we have, but I guess that is the challenge in living your life, you never now how things will change.

A man with NO strings Attached

On the 6th of Jan 5 months ago I turned 20, I would like to take this opportunity to write about my journey as a child to a young adult. Until now, I have changed my residence about 5 or 6 times and not to mention the number of schools I have changed. The city where I live now, is not the city where I was born, that city is completely different. Moreover the place where I spent my early childhood years is different from the place where I spent my early teens. I always wondered how people feel when they live in the city where they are born, because I am completely alien to that feeling. All in all, I feel no longing for any place, because the place where I’m now maybe be the place where I might not be few years from now. When you change places or cities so frequently, you don’t actually have a constant group of friends, they always change as you move from one place to another.

As far as I can remember I’m used to spending time alone, not that I can’t make friends, but the high that I get exploring things on my own is a different experience altogether. Whenever people ask me about where I was from, the question automatically turns to why did you change cities. I’m  tired of giving people explanation for such trivial things. But this is my journey through this 20 years, I can say that for all these years I have lived a life of nomad. I have no affiliated group of friends because they always change, but one thing that I don’t feel is the sense of belonging to a place. This feeling is missing in my head, whenever I hear people say that we are going to move to a different city, they make a huge fuzz of it, they talk about how they are going to miss their friends, for me I’m like “meh, that’s fine let’s see what this city has to offer to me”. Since I have this missing gene for a sense of belonging, I have this highly evolved ability to adjust to my surrounding. All those people who are always changing cities will get this feeling. But we nomads develop this ability to explore the place where we stay, because that might  not be where we will be in a next couple of years.


I couldn’t resist myself from drawing this amazing Ultron reference! 😀

As I near the final days of being not a graduate, it is clear to me that for my higher education I’m definitely going to change cities or maybe states. In all this I learned one thing, adapt to your new surroundings and the transition will be much easier. As I have said before for people like me, we know the true meaning  of change is the only constant, because literally for us that is TRUE.  Sometimes life wants you to learn certain lessons, way before you are aware of your conscience. Maybe the life of nomad was the ultimate way of life telling me that YOU ARE BORN FOR THIS. 🙂