All that matters is humanity

It was a fine day, the music player of my phone was playing all my favorite songs, as the player played a hit after a hit it came to a song by the band metallica- wherever i may roam. It reminded me of a particular incidence in a place away from home. 1 year ago during my summer vacation I had being to a place about 500 or 600 km from  home to a place where I had my internship. During that period I had a first hand experience with dealing with roommates. My first roommate was also a summer intern, but his stint ended a week earlier than mine. When my old roommate left, a new one came well he was not a summer intern, but it had come for a small course of 2 weeks here. This roommate was quite intriguing, he didn’t understand English he only spoke a language I was completely unfamiliar with, well he did understand English but only to a limited extent. The conversation we had were only in few broken English words and hand actions to tell necessary things. When you don’t understand the language the other person speaks, you become elusive and alert you try to judge that person and view him or her in a particular way. That’s what happened to me. When the time came for me to leave the place, it so happened that my roommate would also leave a day after I would leave. As it was my first ever stay away from home, my parents were coming to the place where I was, to pick me up and in that particular area there weren’t any good hotels to stay. I was trying tirelessly to make a place to stay for my parents in the same place where I was staying, as the room I which I was staying had 3 beds, and only 2 beds were occupied at that particular time.


This is one lesson I learned by my stay away from home!

One day when I was talking  to my parents on my phone, and I was pretty disappointed that they had to stay someplace far away from my place, my roommate somehow got a hint of my conversation and concern of my parents on the phone. After my call ended in a bit of disappointment, he asked me what was the problem?, in my broken English and hand symbols I told him that my parent were coming and they had no place to stay. After seeing the empty bed lying in front of me and my empty and disappointed face, In the same manner of sign language and broken English, he told me that he would move to another room in the same place, so that my parents could stay in this same room. Hearing this, I told him that it was fine and that told him to not worry about it. I told him that doing this it would be inconvenient for him. But he insisted, he told me they are your parents and they needed a place to stay, they can stay here I will find another place to stay. Hearing this I felt a bit obliged and I told him not to do this. Somehow afterwards everything went well my parents got a place to stay the night, since the next morning we were leaving for home, my roommate stayed in the same room, I moved for the night to the place where my parents were staying. But this incidence taught me one thing, just because you don’t understand the language the other person is speaking in and even if you communicate in a somewhat weird manner we should not have a prejudice against that person. We have to understand that we are all humans and regardless of what the other person speaks in we all understand our human ways. Everybody knows that when we are with our parent all that we want is convenience for them. That room mate of mine was ready to move out of the room so that my parents could stay there, even if  that meant bringing inconvenience to him despite the fact that I knew him for only one week. I feel bad that I judged him too early but it taught me and told me the meaning of the saying.
It is important to be a human, than to be just a human being. 🙂

Liebster Award #1


All my life I have being answering questions and I have being judged whether I;m answering those questions correctly or not. But since I have being nominated for this award, now its my turn to formulate 11 questions, which you would be answering. It would be fun to see those responses. Thank you martafrant for nominating me for this award. She runs this amazing and unique blog. These are the following ground rules you should follow while nominating more people.


  1. Mention, link and thank the blog who nominated you
  2. Answer the nominator’s 11 questions
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers with little followings (under 200) and link them below
  4. Create 11 questions of your own for your nominated blogs to answer
  5. Notify your nominees via social media

I would like to pass forward this award to the following people. 😀


Answering time!!

  1. Where would you want to spend your time between ages 60 and 80? Doing what?

I would like to spend the old age in a beautiful country side home, I would love to spend this time playing my piano and writing articles!

2.  If you had the necessity to be a school teacher for one day, which subject would you teach?

Subject I would teach is science, I would love people to have rational way of looking at things happening around them, Moreover, a teacher’s job is like performing on stage, and I LOVE performing in front of an audience.

3.  You had a really hard day. What will you do to recover from it?

My remedy of recovering from a hard day is taking my cycle out and going out for a long ride, it helps me look at life from a different point of view, it too helps me to refresh.

4.   What is your best way to start a new day?

Best way to start a day is to listen to positive happy music and then continue to do your work.

5.   Who would you want to be in your future life?

My aspiration are to be a scientist/writer. I would like to be both! 😀

6.   If you could change you career path, what career would you choose?

I would like to be a rock artist and break in into the entertainment business.

7.   Imagine that there will be no Internet access available for the next 3 months. Did you imagine that? What was the first thing that came to your mind?

NO I can’t picture that!! the first thing that came in my mind is my BLOG. It would be standstill for 3 MONTHS, I wouldn’t like it happening.

8.   If you had to write a book about one of your faults, which fault would you choose?

I would choose to write about my past,  many of my articles are regarding my past, so why not write a book about it.

9.   If you could star in the next movie premiere, what genre would you choose?

Thriller Drama

10.   Imagine that all the photo devices will disappear tomorrow, and you can only take 3 photos, what would you photograph?

My Family(mom and dad), My cycle and My Piano

11.   Mountain, forest, sea or valley?


11 questions I pose for you guys are-

  1. If you were to star in movie, what type of protagonist would you play?
  2. out of nowhere you are given superpowers, which of the following would you choose?Super strength/super intelligence / immortality
  3. on one fine day you out of nowhere get 10 million dollars. What would the first thing you would do?
  4. What is your source of inspiration for writing/blogging?
  5. Consider yourself to be the immortal Wolverine. What job would you do FORVER?
  6. What is your future goal of blogging? What more do you want to achieve?
  7. How do you think your life journey is? Black/white/shades of both? Greyish?
  8. what is your all time favorite movie?
  9. What is your passion??
  10. You are given a chance to change one aspect of your life. Which particular shortcoming would you change?
  11. If you were given a chance to write your own novel. What type of genre would you like to write in?

Eagerly waiting for your responses! 🙂

A man with NO strings Attached

On the 6th of Jan 5 months ago I turned 20, I would like to take this opportunity to write about my journey as a child to a young adult. Until now, I have changed my residence about 5 or 6 times and not to mention the number of schools I have changed. The city where I live now, is not the city where I was born, that city is completely different. Moreover the place where I spent my early childhood years is different from the place where I spent my early teens. I always wondered how people feel when they live in the city where they are born, because I am completely alien to that feeling. All in all, I feel no longing for any place, because the place where I’m now maybe be the place where I might not be few years from now. When you change places or cities so frequently, you don’t actually have a constant group of friends, they always change as you move from one place to another.

As far as I can remember I’m used to spending time alone, not that I can’t make friends, but the high that I get exploring things on my own is a different experience altogether. Whenever people ask me about where I was from, the question automatically turns to why did you change cities. I’m  tired of giving people explanation for such trivial things. But this is my journey through this 20 years, I can say that for all these years I have lived a life of nomad. I have no affiliated group of friends because they always change, but one thing that I don’t feel is the sense of belonging to a place. This feeling is missing in my head, whenever I hear people say that we are going to move to a different city, they make a huge fuzz of it, they talk about how they are going to miss their friends, for me I’m like “meh, that’s fine let’s see what this city has to offer to me”. Since I have this missing gene for a sense of belonging, I have this highly evolved ability to adjust to my surrounding. All those people who are always changing cities will get this feeling. But we nomads develop this ability to explore the place where we stay, because that might  not be where we will be in a next couple of years.


I couldn’t resist myself from drawing this amazing Ultron reference! 😀

As I near the final days of being not a graduate, it is clear to me that for my higher education I’m definitely going to change cities or maybe states. In all this I learned one thing, adapt to your new surroundings and the transition will be much easier. As I have said before for people like me, we know the true meaning  of change is the only constant, because literally for us that is TRUE.  Sometimes life wants you to learn certain lessons, way before you are aware of your conscience. Maybe the life of nomad was the ultimate way of life telling me that YOU ARE BORN FOR THIS. 🙂


On a bright and hot summer evening after cycling, I saw this amazing mother nature’s creation- banyan leaf. I took a lot of photographs of that leaf in various angles, and this is one of the photograph. As I took photograph of that perfect leaf it was getting pretty late and I had to go home.From the place where I cycle, my home is about 4km so it is a long way back, so I had to leave. When this time came I felt really bad to leave that perfect leaf in the place where I found it, I felt wildly attached to it, and I thought that I should take it home, but I resisted that temptation, temptation to take it back home. That is the most basic human sentiment to take any nature’s creation to our house to store it and preserve it. I left that leaf in a spot so that nobody would find it, because I didn’t want anybody to take it and damage it. It reminds me of the time when we were naive and completely new to this real world. At that point of time we are free from any injuries or scars from this real world, we are like this leaf – perfect, unscarred and free from any deformity. But as we go on in this world, we experience some things that change our perspective about this world, it changes our attitude of taking on this world. We become more and more pessimist, rather we become more and more realist and at the same time we lose our nativity.

IMG_20150401_180151This is the photograph which I took of that banyan tree leaf!

(Banyan Tree Leaf viewpoint!!)

A fresh leaf which falls from a tree is green and free from any injuries, but as it spends more and more time on the ground in contact with Earth it starts decomposing, decolorizing and loses its perfect state, that is it loses its naivity. But we should remember one thing, the way we become scarred or rather realist matters. We can do it gracefully or we can do it in a bad way and unhealthy way. If we do it in a right way, we become a optimistic realist or we end up hurting the people that we love and care about. Our final destination is the end of time, but the journey that we undertake to that place differs according to each person. Doing it the right way makes us a wise man, and doing it the other way makes us a scarred soldier, this all depends upon you and your attitude. In the end, we have to lose our nativity but the way we lose it distinguishs one person from another