Tag Archives: News

100 follows! Thank you :D


Yesterday, I crossed the 100 followers mark on my blog- a journey to the greyish soul. I would like to thank the blogging community for the love and support. You always inspired me to write more and more, again thank you for the comments and likes on almost all the posts, I feel blessed. I hope to continue my journey as a blogger and to inspire you and amaze you by my honest narratives and a bit of confessions and truths.

For a last couple of days I was in a transition phase, that’s why I couldn’t post much, but now at this moment I can tell you that, many new articles are coming on my blog and I hope to continue my journey as a blogger and a writer. Again thank you so much for the love and support.

Yours sincerely,
Chaitanya Haram

Veracity Challenge

Well I have being nominated for the veracity challenge by Martafrant, and I would sincerely like to thank her and at the same time I would like to thank the creator of this amazing challenge- Mon.

When I thought about what to write for this challenge, I stumbled upon the fact that I have being overlooking for quite sometime, the use of adjectives in paragraph. After i had successfully written a paragraph for this challenge, is when I truly understood what adjectives do to an article or just any piece of writing.

This is the paragraph that I wrote:

I’m guy who likes to write about life as it goes. At the same time, I like to play my piano and ride my cycle. Blogging is a thing I do in a day or two. Challenges are, what challenges seem they are. Cycling is an activity which relaxes me at the same time inspires me  to write my blog. That’s all I have to say in all!

Rules for The Veracity Challenge:

– Write a paragraph without using a single adjective.

– Keep the link in your post (so that the creator of the challenge may receive a pingback)

– Anyone can join the challenge; you don’t have to be nominated.

– Nominate 6 Bloggers for this challenge.

  1. https://fluidplans.wordpress.com/
  2. https://storyshucker.wordpress.com/
  3. https://bohohobonomad.wordpress.com/
  4. https://theshorthand.wordpress.com/
  5. https://feelingsoulmate.wordpress.com/
  6. http://lilyellyn.com/

Liebster Award #1


All my life I have being answering questions and I have being judged whether I;m answering those questions correctly or not. But since I have being nominated for this award, now its my turn to formulate 11 questions, which you would be answering. It would be fun to see those responses. Thank you martafrant for nominating me for this award. She runs this amazing and unique blog. These are the following ground rules you should follow while nominating more people.


  1. Mention, link and thank the blog who nominated you
  2. Answer the nominator’s 11 questions
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers with little followings (under 200) and link them below
  4. Create 11 questions of your own for your nominated blogs to answer
  5. Notify your nominees via social media

I would like to pass forward this award to the following people. 😀

  1. https://ohwowitshannah.wordpress.com/
  2. https://subjectivebeliefs.wordpress.com/
  3. https://vijitarticles.wordpress.com/
  4. https://deepikavasani.wordpress.com/
  5. https://jodes812.wordpress.com/
  6. https://positivewiseconcept.wordpress.com/
  7. https://myhappinessisanallegory.wordpress.com/
  8. http://standingstonesblog.com/
  9. https://randomgirl2014.wordpress.com/
  10. http://rixlibris.com/
  11. https://kathymburke.wordpress.com/

Answering time!!

  1. Where would you want to spend your time between ages 60 and 80? Doing what?

I would like to spend the old age in a beautiful country side home, I would love to spend this time playing my piano and writing articles!

2.  If you had the necessity to be a school teacher for one day, which subject would you teach?

Subject I would teach is science, I would love people to have rational way of looking at things happening around them, Moreover, a teacher’s job is like performing on stage, and I LOVE performing in front of an audience.

3.  You had a really hard day. What will you do to recover from it?

My remedy of recovering from a hard day is taking my cycle out and going out for a long ride, it helps me look at life from a different point of view, it too helps me to refresh.

4.   What is your best way to start a new day?

Best way to start a day is to listen to positive happy music and then continue to do your work.

5.   Who would you want to be in your future life?

My aspiration are to be a scientist/writer. I would like to be both! 😀

6.   If you could change you career path, what career would you choose?

I would like to be a rock artist and break in into the entertainment business.

7.   Imagine that there will be no Internet access available for the next 3 months. Did you imagine that? What was the first thing that came to your mind?

NO I can’t picture that!! the first thing that came in my mind is my BLOG. It would be standstill for 3 MONTHS, I wouldn’t like it happening.

8.   If you had to write a book about one of your faults, which fault would you choose?

I would choose to write about my past,  many of my articles are regarding my past, so why not write a book about it.

9.   If you could star in the next movie premiere, what genre would you choose?

Thriller Drama

10.   Imagine that all the photo devices will disappear tomorrow, and you can only take 3 photos, what would you photograph?

My Family(mom and dad), My cycle and My Piano

11.   Mountain, forest, sea or valley?


11 questions I pose for you guys are-

  1. If you were to star in movie, what type of protagonist would you play?
  2. out of nowhere you are given superpowers, which of the following would you choose?Super strength/super intelligence / immortality
  3. on one fine day you out of nowhere get 10 million dollars. What would the first thing you would do?
  4. What is your source of inspiration for writing/blogging?
  5. Consider yourself to be the immortal Wolverine. What job would you do FORVER?
  6. What is your future goal of blogging? What more do you want to achieve?
  7. How do you think your life journey is? Black/white/shades of both? Greyish?
  8. what is your all time favorite movie?
  9. What is your passion??
  10. You are given a chance to change one aspect of your life. Which particular shortcoming would you change?
  11. If you were given a chance to write your own novel. What type of genre would you like to write in?

Eagerly waiting for your responses! 🙂